Page 177: Back in Business


UPDATE: Hi folks! I will be attending San Diego Comic Con this year and signing copies of HELM Book 1: Harbinger at the Action Lab booth (Booth 1735). Come visit me between 4:00-5:00 PM on Saturday and 12:00-1:00 PM on Sunday. Please double-check Twitter for last minute updates.


And that’s a wrap for Chapter 7: Old Wounds!

We’re still working on the next chapter — Into the Orclands — and while I could post the few pages from that chapter that we’ve already completed, my preference would be wait until we’ve built more of a buffer so I can publish more pages on a consistent basis for a longer run. In other words, I’d rather take a break for a few weeks (4-8; although, probably closer to 4 weeks) so I can publish a page every week when we’re caught up and have plenty more pages ready to be posted.

That said, if you don’t want to wait, you’re always welcome to donate a few bucks to us via our Patreon page. You’ll get access to a bunch of content there — concepts, sketches, line art, completed pages, story docs, scripts, and all kinds of WIP files.

Because it may be a few weeks before you visit again, let me share one other note with you here.

  • I’ll be attending San Diego Comic Con in July. I’m not sure if I’ll be signing copies of HELM Book 1 yet (I had the opportunity last year but was unable to attend) but if I do, I’ll share the news on Twitter and Facebook… so be sure to like/follow Crookshaw Creative on those channels (so I can keep you up to date).

I think that’s all for now. As always, we appreciate your all your comments, tweets, likes, and support. HELM is a passion project, a labor of love, so if you enjoy this series — please let it be known and let us know. It goes a very long way… perhaps more than you realize.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 176: Keys to the Castle


Yowza! That looks like it hurts.

Just 1 more page remains to close out Chapter 7: Old Wounds. I can’t wait to share the final page next week. It’s probably my favorite end page of any chapter so far.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 175: Gotcha!


Only 2 more pages left until we close out Chapter 7. If you want to find out what happens earlier, remember to check out our Patreon. For just $5, you get access to all of our WIP pages and even early scripts.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 174: Idiot


Who’s the real idiot in this scene?


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Pages 173: That Explains That


Let’s get ready to ruuummmmbbbblllleeee….

Aaannnnddd, just one more reminder — I’ recently updated our Patreon page so you can pledge as low as $1. For $5, you now get even more… including scripts (e.g. this weekend, I just posted the first 16 pages of the script for Chapter 8, which we’ve begun illustration on already). You can also see everything we’re working on before it’s posted here.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 172: Dapes Departs


Things are about to get a whole lot interesting.

Also, a notable update — I’ve updated our Patreon page and completely revamped our tiers. You can support us starting at just $1 now, and for $5 you now get more (not only do you get all our concepts, sketches, pages before they’re published, but also all our script and story docs). I update Patreon pretty regularly (even when we have no patrons :P).


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 171: A Personal Matter


Gee, I wonder where Dapes is headed.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 168: I Gots the Experience


Weapons displayed on the wall. How convenient. :)

Also, a special request to readers — Ringo Award nominations have begun. If you have a second, please consider voting for HELM for one or more categories. You don’t need to enter a nomination for each and every category, so the process can be very quick and easy. Visit to vote.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 167: A Loose End


We return to the western shore of the Midlands… where a dweller appears to start his schemin’.

Also, a special request to readers — Ringo Award nominations have begun. If you have a second, please consider voting for HELM for one or more categories. You don’t need to enter a nomination for each and every category, so the process can be very quick and easy. Visit to vote.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 154: Crystal (Ball) Clarity


Three weeks and three Star Wars quotes. I don’t think I can sustain this streak.



HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 153: Magick Mirror


What is thy bidding, my master?


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 152: The Grand Inquisitor


There’s always a bigger fish.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 134: Who?


In case you haven't heard, HELM Book #1 (that's Chapters 1 through 5, including extras like concept art, sketches, and a new map) is now available as a trade paperback book for pre-order. The easiest way for you to order a copy is through Amazon. Pre-order HELM Book 1 here


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 133: Dragooned Debriefing


Dapes turns his attention to his other captive... one of the legionnaires we last saw in Chapter 4. 


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 132: Crack or Splinter

The interrogation continues. Dapes is getting closer to piecing together exactly what Luna is up to. How long will Rusty be able to tolerate the pain? Will he crack, or will he splinter? 


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 131: Ruins of the Red Spire


Heeey... look who's back. It's him, and him, and oh... Mr. Six-Guns too!


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Title Page: Pathfinder


Not much of an update this week but I felt this would be a good spot to insert our title page for the second book (Chapters 6-10), similar to what we did here. The Red Spire is where we'll be spending the next few pages. At least one more surprise awaits.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.