HELM is an Eisner-nominated comic series set in an ancient fantasy world that has undergone an industrial revolution in the past 300 years. Racism and riots run rampant, "magick-makers" are mercilessly hunted, the elves have all but been eradicated, and rumors of rebellion stir amongst the half-breeds and downtrodden peoples of the Commonwealth.
Pursued by the merciless LEGION, the mysterious witch LUNA LUMERE seeks out ELDRICK SPELLSONG, JR., a college dropout who unknowingly holds the key to unlocking an age-old secret. Together, along with a sundry gang of adventurers, villains, and scoundrels, they will traverse the dark and dangerous world of HELM, in search of the legendary BASTARD KING, and rouse him from his slumber.
HELM is updated with a new (free) page on this website every Tuesday. The comic series is also available for purchase (published by Action Lab) as single issues, and as a collected volume, at comic and book stores.
The Characters
Additional (notable) characters may be added as the story progresses.
The Creators
Additional thanks to Miguel Angel Reyes (Colorist, Chapter 1), Nizam "Njay" Jamil (Concept Artist), Sonia Harris (Logo/Graphic Designer), Maxime Plasse (Cartographer), Bethan Dixon Bate (Voice Actor), Adam Kelski (Composer), Piero Vettori (Concept Artist), and Dmitriy Sorokin (Concept Artist).
The Setting
The Midlands is only one of the many provinces that make up the Helmic Commonwealth (formerly called the Helmic Imperium). The Imperium was founded by the General Helm Hallock, centuries after the collapse of the storied Unified Kingdom. The latter came into existence following Alric the Great's (first of his name and one of the last kings of the Balenthrone) conquest of the Kingdom of Corus in 4381 of the Age of Thormir.
The capital of the Commonwealth, Corus Cunae, is located to the south-east of the predominantly gnomish province of Redfeld.