Page 148: Urkar's Homestead


Hope you guys remember Carmichel… I just finished writing Chapter 7 a couple weeks ago (you can read the full script on Patreon if you’re inclined), and he’s fast becoming one of my favorite characters. You can read a little more about him and other key characters on the About page.

Whenever we get to doing a print version of Book 2, I’ll add Urkar’s Homestead to the map and also add that location to name to the setting caption on Page 135. Right now, it just says “Somewhere between Middlemarch and Farmeet.”


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Page 147: Returning Home


… and hopefully, this time, he doesn’t have a squad of Legion chasing after him.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.