Page 183: Toll Payment


Whoops, lost my hand.


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Page 182: Welcome to the Orclands


Our wagon driver doesn’t look all that amused or intimidated. That’s certainly a Helmic insignia on the door…. but she doesn’t exactly look like a legionnaire.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 181: Easy Pickin'


Welcome to Orthanc, folks — AKA the Orclands!

I can never resist dropping a “I have a bad feeling about this…” every now and then. If my memory hasn’t failed me, this is the second time in the series (and the first instance in Book 2) where I’ve used it. Not the only Star Wars reference in the series either.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 180: No Legionnaire, Mr. Quint


I don’t know what it is about these four characters… but I find them some of the easiest in the series to write for. We change scenery next week and are introduced to some new characters…


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 179: I'll Handle This


Looks like someone familiar is headed this way.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Page 178: A Terrible Idea


It’s been a while since we last saw this bunch. I wonder where they’re headed…


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.

Cover: Into the Orclands


So… I wasn’t able to build as much of a buffer as I wanted (only the first 5 pages, not included the cover) of Chapter 8 is fully complete; however, I didn’t want to wait much longer to begin posting again. The good news is pages 6-8 are fully colored (you can check them out on Patreon now) and just need to be lettered. And, as always, if you want to read way ahead… the entire script for Chapter 8: Into the Orclands is available for download on Patreon (along with tons of other in-progress art, concepts, and more).

Please leave any comments or questions you have about the story so far and I’ll try my best to answer. :)


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.